Bear Box Grant Program

baby bear in woods

Lake Tahoe is home to a large population of Black Bears and residents have learned to co-exist with them. Unlike Grizzly Bears, they do not pose a real threat to humans, but they can become a nuisance when garbage isn’t disposed of properly.

When bears become habituated to obtaining food by raiding garbage cans, they are extremely difficult to deter. Storing trash in a bear-proof collection bin or structure (“bear box”) has proven an effective management strategy for deterring bears and other wildlife.

Residents around Lake Tahoe use bear boxes to prevent bears from accessing garbage. This practice is essential for several reasons:

Protecting Wildlife: Bears are attracted to human settlements by the smell of food, particularly garbage. Allowing bears to access human waste can habituate them to human environments, leading to increased human-bear conflicts and potentially dangerous situations for both bears and humans. By securing trash in bear-proof containers, residents help protect bears and other wildlife from harm.

Promoting Coexistence: Encouraging bears to forage for natural food sources instead of human-generated waste promotes healthy behaviors for the bears and reduces the likelihood of negative interactions between bears and humans. Using bear-proof containers helps foster a safer and more harmonious coexistence between residents and wildlife.

Preventing Property Damage: Bears are strong and resourceful animals. When they are attracted to human settlements by easily accessible garbage, they can cause property damage by rummaging through trash cans and dumpsters. Bear-proof containers help prevent such damage and reduce the associated costs for residents.

The use of bear-proof containers for trash disposal is a crucial measure in protecting both wildlife and human communities around Lake Tahoe.


Placer County, in partnership with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, now offers a bear box grant program for residents of Placer County. Residents can receive up to $2,200 per property owner. Any costs above that are the property owner’s responsibility. Grants for installing a bear box on your property will be on a first come first serve basis until funds are depleted or until May 31, 2025, whichever is earlier.

How does it work?

Contact Placer County by filling out our interest form below, emailing [email protected] with your name and address, or by calling 530-889-6846.

County staff will determine if you are in an eligible area and if funding is still available and notify you.

Select a bear box from the County’s Approved Bear Box List and an installer.

You and your selected installer will sign the responsibilities agreement and submit it by email to the County before any work happens.

The installer will work with you to schedule installation and with the County for reporting.

The installer will invoice the County for up to $2,200 and invoice you for any costs over that amount.

Click here for more information.

Life in the majestic mountains surrounding Lake Tahoe offers unparalled outdoor recreation and an opportunity to enjoy nature in its pristine condition. Caring for our wildlife and local resources is paramount to co-existing with nature.

Contact me today for more information about available homes for sale in Lake Tahoe and Truckee.